The Artist Method

Your success is based on a variety of things that you wouldn't even consider

I am an what?

· Are you stuck?
· Have you had enough of being paid in "likes"?
· Would you like to make your creative "side-hustle" your main income?
· Are you employed, but you would like to create an independent business?
· Are you not able to attract "success"?
· Are you a creative entrepreneur, but your business have just plateaud?
· Do you keep hearing "there's no money in art"?
· Would you like to build a financially viable creative business?
· Have you applied for all the jobs/grants/internships, but keep getting rejected?

· Are you living from payday to payday?
· Does your self esteem starting to take a hit?
· Do you feel unmotivated?
· Have you completely stopped being creative?
· Is your situation affecting your relationships?
· Do you feel like that you cannot make a change in your life?
· Do you keep starting projects, but cannot see them through?
· Are you even “checking out” (shopping, social media, bad habits) to block these out of your mind?

A 7-week online programme


“To change your world, whilst you remain the same - that is not possible.”
Michael Beckwith

The solutions for the above questions reside in a different, higher vibrational realm,
not the one they originated in. In today's society, things that are viewed as contributing factors towards one's success are: how hard you work, or how "talented" you are.
However, the artist's whole being is paramount!
Before moving onto producing creative work, there are key components that the
artist needs to be working on in the INSIDE.

This is an active and interactive course.
The 7-weeks of transformation includes a weekly recording and various homework tasks to aid you moving towards your goals. You can manage your participation in your own time and complete the tasks at your own pace.
The tempo is entirely up to you!

Why choose me as your guide?

In 2006, I had to heal myself from a debilitating anxiety disorder and agoraphobia that presented itself to me out of the blue. This was a possibility for up-levelling. When I realised that nobody is going to ride in on a white horse and "save me", a then scary, however exciting journey had started.

Since then, but especially in the past 8 years, I have tirelessly searched and researched countless techniques that aid self-discovery, heal traumas and remove possible blockages. This way, I can present you a variety of quickly palatable techniques in a short period of time, that can lead you to ascend onto a higher plane. Deep cleansing and healing will take place and this will aid you to look at your own being, habits and ways of thinking and how those can influence everything in your life - from issues regarding your art practice to your relationship with money and so much more.

First, I developed my ideas for Glamour magazine in the beginning of 2021, titled "The Abundance Course" - and online interactive programme that had focused on self improvement. Later on, some specific ideas matured and this grew into a face to face "Manifestation Workshop" in 2022.

#TheArtistMethod grew out of these programmes, especially created for the creative community. The first rollout was in 2022. Since then, I have focused my research on even more occult principles to obtain more specific methods, this way I am able to offer you a more taylor-made service to aid your self-development. In my programmes, I share with you information from esoteric spheres that may not be widely known, available, or used in the mainstream popular culture.

Who am I?

I am an internationally exhibiting artist, author, educator, researcher, editor and project manager. I worked in the creative industries since the late 90s. I have been an artist for 22 years, and I've been teaching at university for 17 years, so you are in good hands. The methods of my self-development programmes are based on my in-depth research as well as my own experience.

"The course was not only complex and extensive, but it really started processes in me. A good, "I'm fine, I'm okay" feeling what I needed. In addition to tidying up, we also received Mon’s positive, supportive energies through the materials, which gave me a lot. I would turn to her with courage and confidence in the future if I got stuck."

- Kata

"I got to know myself better, I could understand why the times are sometimes harder. I received advice that can be applied on an everyday basis. Thank you."

- Eszter

Here's what previous participants say

"Thanks for such a great experience. Really felt great
Energy and Acceptance."

- Phoenix

"It was a smashing course...I would be interested in knowing about any future events that you hold."

- Maddie

This course isn't for you

· If you are not willing to embark on some spiritual housekeeping
· If you don't keep an open mind
· If you don't value new information as an asset
· If you want to sit back and wait for change to knock on the door
· If your life/career/business is fab and you don't want make any improvements
· If you got it all sorted and you know everything:)

This is the course for you

If you can answer one or more of the above questions and you are ready to change things up, then this is the course for you. This 7-week programme will help you to make the changes on the energetic level. Changes that last, so you can start building your new creative career on top of these solid foundations. This way, you can invite desired change into your life, achieve your goals and set yourself up for success.
Whatever that may mean to you.

The February '24 intake is now closed.

Thank you!

Keep an eye on my social media when the next intake becomes available.